Otson Manit

Otson Manit


(also Otson-Man’t), a group of Paleolithic sites in the South Gobi Aimak in the southern Mongolian People’s Republic. The sites were discovered and explored by the Soviet scholar A. P. Okladnikov in 1961–62. On the surface of the earth were found various stone implements, including blades, flakes, side-scrapers, points, and tortoise-shaped cores. The sites date from Mousterian times.


Okladnikov, A. P. “K voprosu o drevneishei istorii Mongolii. Pervobytnaia Mongoliia.” In the collection Studia Archeologica Instituti Historiae Academiae Scientiarum Republicae Populi Mongoli, vol. 3, fasc. 8–10. Ulan-Bator, 1964.