Mekhanizatsiia I Avtomatizatsiia Proizvodstva
Mekhanizatsiia I Avtomatizatsiia Proizvodstva
(Mechanization and Automation of Production), a monthly scientific and technical journal; organ of the Ministry of the Machine-tool and Instrument Industry of the USSR. Published in Moscow since 1947. From 1947 to 1958 it was published under the title Mekhanizatsiia trudoemkikh i tiazhelykh robot (Mechanization of Labor-intensive and Heavy Work). It has had its present title since 1959. The journal treats questions of integrated mechanization and automation in various sectors of the national economy (machine building, metallurgy, mining, chemistry, forestry, light industry, the food industry, and so on), with the exception of agriculture and construction. It publishes materials on mechanization of heavy and labor-intensive loading and unloading, transportation, and warehouse jobs and devotes a great deal of attention to the mechanization and automation of technical and administrative labor. It reports on the latest foreign achievements in mechanization and automation. Circulation, 20,000 (1974).