

单词 mel



(mɛl) n (Pharmacology) pharmacol a pure form of honey formerly used in pharmaceutical products[from Latin]



n. (in prescriptions) honey. [1575–85; < Latin]



[mel] (acoustics) A unit of pitch, equal to one-thousandth of the pitch of a simple tone whose frequency is 1000 hertz and whose loudness is 40 decibels above a listener's threshold.



a subsidiary unit for the pitch of a sound that is used mainly in musical acoustics. The quantitative evaluation of sound with respect to pitch is based on statistical treatment of a great deal of data regarding the subjective impression of pitch for audible tones. Research results indicate that the pitch of a sound is mainly dependent on the frequency of the vibrations but that it also depends on the loudness and timbre.

Acoustic vibrations at a frequency of 1000 hertz (Hz) and an effective sound pressure of 2 X 10−3 newton per sq m (that is, a loudness of 40 phons) coming from in front of an observer with normal hearing create for him an impression of a pitch fixed by definition at 1,000 mels. A sound at a frequency of 20 Hz and a loudness level of 40 phons has, by definition, zero pitch (0 mel). The relationship between the pitch of pure tones and the frequency for constant loudness are shown in Figure 1. It is a nonlinear function, especially at low frequencies (for “low” sounds).

Figure 1


Skudrzyk, E. Osnovy akustiki, vol. 2. Moscow, 1959. (Translated from German.)
Beranek, L. Akusticheskie izmereniia. Moscow, 1952. (Translated from English.)



The story of Mel


(Maya Embedded Language) See Maya.



(mel), 1. Synonym(s): honey2. Unit of pitch; a pitch of 1000 mels results from a simple tone of frequency 1000 Hz at 40 dB above the normal threshold of audibility.


A gene on chromosome 19p13.1 that encodes a member of the Rab subfamily of Ras-related small GTPases, which may play a role in transporting proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane.


(mel) 1. Synonym(s): honey. 2. Unit of pitch; a pitch of 1000 mels results from a simple tone of frequency 1000 Hz at 40 dB above the normal threshold of audibility.


MELMaximum Exposure Limit
MELManufacturing Engineering Laboratory
MELMitsubishi Electric (Japan)
MELMinimum Equipment List
MELMulti-Engine Land
MELMaya Embedded Language
MELMineral Exploration Licence (Australia)
MELMichigan Electronic Library
MELMaster Equipment List
MELMilitary Education Level
MELMiscellaneous Electric Load (energy use)
MELMarine Engineering Laboratory
MELMiddle European League (volleyball)
MELMedical Entomology Laboratory
MELMaterial Engineering Laboratory
MELMaster Environmental Library
MELMaster Events List
MELMobile Experience Lab (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
MELMaintenance Expenditure Limit
MELMinimum Equipment Level
MELModular Electromagnetic Levitator (astrophysics)
MELMelbourne, Victoria, Australia - Tullamarine (Airport Code)
MELMicro Enterprise Loan (Trinidad & Tobago facility)
MELMilitary Exercise Leader (Cooper Institute; Dallas, TX)
MELMobile Erector Launcher
MELMacaulay Enterprises Ltd.
MELMaster Environment Library
MELMain Events List
MELMaximum Engagement Line (US DoD)
MELMinimum Enroute Level
MELMedical Employment Limitation (Canada)
MELMinimum Essential Listing
MELMinimum Excitation Limit
MELMission Essential Level
MELMaximum Emergency Load




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