Kopitar, Bartholomäus

Kopitar, Bartholomäus


(also Jernej Kopitar). Born Aug. 23, 1780, in Repnje, Yugoslavia; died Aug. 11, 1844, in Vienna. Slovene philologist and Slavicist. Pupil of the Czech philologist J. Dobrovský and teacher of the Serbian philologist V. Karadžic. Curator, and, from early 1844, director of the court library in Vienna.

Kopitar wrote a Grammar of the Slavic Language of Carniola, Kärnten, and Styria (1808, in German), in which he set forth the norms of literary Slovene. (The Grammar also contains an appendix with a critical survey of Slovene literature.) He did re-search on Old Slavic literary monuments and published the glagolitic monument of Old Slavic, the 11th-century Glagolita Clozianus (1836), which he furnished with vocabulary, a short grammar of Old Slavic, and a historical sketch. Kopitar’s articles were collected by F. Miklosich (also F. Miklošič) and published in the collection The Short Articles of Bartholomäus Kopitar on Linguistics, Ethnology, and Law (1857, in German).


Briefwechsel zwischen Dobrovsky und Kopitar, 1808–1828. Berlin, 1885.
In Russian translation:
Novye pis’ma Dobrovskogo, Kopitara i drugikh iugo-zapadnykh slavian. St. Petersburg, 1897.


Petrovskii, I. M. Bibliograficheskii spisok trudov V. Kopitara. Warsaw, 1912.
lagich, I. V. Istoriia slavianskoi filologii. St. Petersburg, 1910.
Kopitarjeva spomenica. Ljubljana, 1880.