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DictionarySeeabrasionair abrasion
abrasion [ah-bra´zhun] 1. the wearing away of a substance or structure, such as the skin or teeth, through some unusual or abnormal process.2. a wound caused by rubbing or scraping the skin or a mucous membrane; a “skinned knee” and a “floor burn” are common examples. To treat the injury, the wound should be washed, a mild antiseptic or antibiotic ointment applied, and the wound covered with sterile gauze.air abrasion a type of microabrasion in which a jet of air blows tiny particles against the tooth or cavity surface.air a·bra·sion (ār ă-brā'zhŭn) The use of abrasive particles such as aluminum oxide under high pressure to abrade and sometimes remove dentin and enamel. air a·bra·sion (ār ă-brā'zhŭn) Use of abrasive particles such as aluminum oxide under high pressure to abrade and sometimes remove dentin and enamel. Synonym(s): air pointing. |