melanotic carcinoma
A tumour that comprises 1–3% of all new cancers (18,000/year) and causes 6500 deaths/year (US), most age 30–50; melanoma is increasing at ± 7%/year, and now affects 9/105 (primarily the head and neck) in men and 12/105 (primarily legs) in women; it is rare but more aggressive in children.Risk factors
Giant congential melanocytic nevus, dysplastic nevus, xeroderma pigmentosum, immunodeficiency, moles with persistent pigment changes (especially > age 15), large or irregularly pigmented lesions, familial moles, congenital moles, Caucasian (12-fold greater risk than Black), previous melanoma, melanoma in 1st-degree relative, immunosuppression, photosensitivity, increased sun exposure.
Site of metastasis
Liver, lung, intestine, pancreas, adrenal, heart, kidney, brain, spleen, thyroid.
Wide excision; chemo- and radiation are essentially useless.
Local recurrence common; many metastasise; 5-year survival reflects stage when diagnosed.
Poor prognostic factors
Large size, paranasal/nasopharyngeal location, vascular invasion, high mitotic activity, marked cellular pleomorphism, distant metastases.
Stages of melanoma
▪ Stage I—Confined to epidermis and/or upper dermis, and measures ≤ 1.5-mm thick.
▪ Stage II—1.5-mm to 4-mm thick; spread to lower dermis but not beyond or to adjacent lymph nodes.
▪ Stage III—Any of the following:
– > 4-mm thick;
– Spread beyond the skin;
– Satellite lesions within 2 cms of the original tumour; or
– Spread to nearby lymph nodes or satellite lesions between original and regional lymph nodes.
▪ Stage IV—Metastases to other organs or to lymph nodes far from the original lesion.
Types of melanoma
Acral lentiginous melanoma
A rare, flat, palmoplantar or subungual lesion more common in non-whites; average 5-year survival < 50%; unrelated to actinic exposure, but possibly related to ectopic pigmentation.
Amelanotic melanoma
Rare, poorly differentiated, and occurs in those with a previous pigmented melanoma; since the Fontana-Masson stain is rarely positive in amelanotic melanoma, special studies are necessary, including immunoperoxidase staining with antibodies to the S-100 antigen and ultrastructural examination for presence of premelanosomes.
Lentigo maligna
Comprises 10% of melanomas; affects those > age 60; appears as flat, indolent lesions on face, arising from a premalignant freckle with greater than 90% 5-year survival; aetiologically linked to prolonged actinic exposure.
Nodular melanoma
15% of cases; similar clinically to superficial spreading melanoma; 50% average 5-year survival.
Premalignant melanoma
1/3 of lentigo maligna (Hutchinson’s freckle) progress to malignant melanoma after 10–15 years.
Superficial spreading melanoma
70% of cases; affects ages 30 to 60, especially female in lower legs or trunk, as a flat lesion (radial growth phase) that may be present for months to years; average 5-year survival 75%; aetiologically linked to recreational actinic exposure.
Thin melanoma (Stage-I cutaneous melanoma)
A lesion measuring < 1 cm in diameter; virtually 100% survival.
mel·a·not·ic car·ci·no·ma
(mel'ă-not'ik kahr'si-nō'mă)carcinoma
(kar?sin-o'ma ) [ carcin- + -oma]Patient care
Optimal patient care includes: identifying and explaining to patient and family the type of cancer and its typical natural history; options for treatment, side effects of treatments, expected response of the cancer to the treatment, best predictions for recovery and life expectancy, availability of clinical trials, alternative and complementary therapies, and the potential benefit of referral to specialty cancer centers.
acinar cell carcinoma of the pancreas
alveolar cell carcinoma

basal cell carcinoma
Abbreviation: BCCbronchioloalveolar carcinoma
bronchogenic carcinoma
Lung cancer.chorionic carcinoma
Choriocarcinoma.choroid plexus carcinoma
carcinoma of the colon
See: colorectal cancercolorectal carcinoma
Colorectal cancer.carcinoma cuniculatum
ductal carcinoma in situ of breast
See: ductal carcinoma in situ of breastembryonal carcinoma
epidermoid carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma.carcinoma erysipelatoides
giant cell carcinoma
glandular carcinoma
Adenocarcinoma.keratinocyte carcinoma
carcinoma in situ
Abbreviation: CISmedullary carcinoma
melanotic carcinoma
mucinous carcinoma
neuroendocrine carcinoma
oat cell carcinoma
carcinoma of pancreas
Pancreatic cancer.pancreatic carcinoma
Pancreatic cancer.papillary carcinoma of the thyroid
See: papillary carcinoma of the thyroidrenal cell carcinoma
Because of its location in the retroperitoneum, renal cell carcinoma may grow to a relatively large size before it manifests obvious symptoms. The most common findings are blood in the urine (hematuria), flank pain, or a flank mass. Some patients develop fevers, weight loss, or symptoms caused by hormones excreted by the tumor. These hormones (parathyroid-like hormone or erythropoietin) occasionally cause hypercalcemia or abnormal increases in the red blood cell count (erythrocytosis).
Surgical removal of the affected kidney may be curative for those patients whose tumor has not spread outside the perirenal fascia. Treatment options are less successful for patients with metastatic disease because renal cell carcinomas are relatively resistant to chemotherapy.
sarcomatoid carcinoma
scirrhous carcinoma
Hard cancer.small cell carcinoma
Oat cell carcinoma.