Millsite State Park

Millsite State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Utah
Location:4 miles west of Highway 10 near Ferron.
Facilities:20 campsites, showers, modern restrooms (é), vault toilets, picnic areas, 2 group pavilions, boat ramp, bike trails, hiking trails, bridle trails.
Activities:Camping, boating, sailing, fishing, ice fishing, swimming, mountain biking, horseback riding.
Special Features:Park is on 435-acre Millsite Reservoir. Before the present dam was built, there was a dam at the site to service a flourmill, from which the reservoir took its name.
Address:c/o Huntington State Park
PO Box 1343
Huntington, UT 84528

Size: 638 acres. Elevation: 6,100 feet.

See other parks in Utah.