Lewi, Grant

Lewi, Grant

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Grant Lewi was born June 8, 1902, in Albany, New York. He was educated at Hamilton College and Columbia University. After graduating from Columbia, Lewi taught English at Dartmouth, at the University of North Dakota, and at the University of Delaware. He married Carolyn Wallace, daughter of astrologer Athene Gayle Wallace, in 1926 and began to study astrology with his mother-in-law.

His first career choice was writing, but the economic pressures of the times were difficult, and in 1934 he began working as a professional astrologer. Under the pseudonym Oscar, he provided a short outline of his life in Astrology for the Millions. In the late 1930s and 1940s, Lewi edited Horoscope Magazine. In 1950, he resigned in order to begin his own magazine, the Astrologer. He moved to Arizona in the same period and died July 14, 1951.

Lewi devised a unique approach to astrological interpretation based upon equating house and sign indications. He also utilized certain psychological considerations at a time when astrology was more event-oriented. He used transits exclusively for predictive purposes. This approach was developed in his Astrology for the Millions and some of his magazine articles. Lewi’s two major works, Astrology for the Millions and Heaven Knows What, remain popular and have introduced countless numbers of people to astrology. Lewi’s interpretations were so highly regarded that Matrix Astrological Software devised a “Heaven Knows What” astrological report program based on Lewi’s publications.


Holden, James H., and Robert A. Hughes. Astrological Pioneers of America. Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers, 1988.Lewi, William Grant II. Astrology for the Millions. New York: Doubleday, 1940.Lewi. Heaven Knows What. New York: Doubleday, 1935.