natural healing
natural healing
A general term for any of a number of healing techniques, which may be rooted in supernaturalistic or paranormal methods.Natural healing methods
Absent healing, acupuncture, acupressure, aikido, Alexander technique, applied kinesiology, ayurvedic medicine, bioenergetics, Cayce therapies, charismatic healing, cranial osteopathy, Dianetics, exorcism, hydrotherapy, iridology, Jin Shin Acutouch, jin shin jyutsu, Jin Shin Do Bodymind Acupressure, Jungian psychology, laying on of hands, lomilomi massage, macrobiotics, medical astrology, nature cure, naturopathy, neo-Shamanism, orgonomy, past life/lives therapy, polarity therapy, primal therapy, psychic healing, radiesthesia, radionics, rebirthing therapy, reflexology, reiki, Rolfing, shamanism, t’ai chi ch’uan, therapeutic touch, touch for health, transcendental meditation, yoga, vibrational medicine.