ocular albinism
oc·u·lar al·bi·nism
A group of hereditary and congenital, often AR diseases that share a metabolic defect in the production of mature melanin, which translates clinically into hypopigmentation of skin, hair, and eyes–iris See Oculocutaneous albinism type I, Oculocutaneous albinism type II, Yellow albinism.Albinism, major groups
- Generalized (oculocutaneous) albinism
- All 6 subtypes are AR; the most common, type IA is due to tyrosinase deficiency, which may be due to a missense mutation; GA also occurs in Chediak-Higashi, Hermansky-Pudlak, & Cross syndromes
- Partial albinism
- An AD condition with a focal white patch, similar to Waardenburg syndrome
- Ocular albinism
- An X-linked recessive condition
oc·u·lar al·bin·ism
(ok'yū-lăr al'bin-izm)Synonym(s): Aland Island albinism.
ocular motor apraxia A congenital inability to perform some voluntary ocular movements. Children with this condition often use head thrusts to move their eyes to the left or to the right.
optical apraxia Apraxia in which there is an inability to copy or to draw in proper spatial orientation. It is usually associated with visual agnosia. Syn. visual apraxia.
visual apraxia See optical apraxia.
fundus albipunctatus A recessively inherited, nonprogressive tapetoretinal degeneration. It is characterized by a multitude of small, grey or whitish dots scattered throughout the fundus at the level of the pigment epithelium and accompanied by night blindness. The macula is spared and the retinal blood vessels, optic disc, visual field, colour vision and visual acuity are normal.
fundus camera See fundus camera.
fundus examination See biomicroscope; slit-lamp; direct ophthalmoscope; indirect ophthalmoscope.
fundus flavimaculatus A retinal degeneration characterized by prominent, irregular-shaped whitish or yellow flecks scattered throughout the posterior fundi of both eyes. There is usually no loss of vision unless one of the flecks involves the fovea. It is a variant of Stargardt's disease. The electrooculogram is useful in diagnosing this condition.
leopard fundus An ocular fundus marked with dark blotches on its surface as a result of a tapetoretinal degeneration, such as retinitis pigmentosa. Syn. leopard retina.
ocular fundus The interior of the eye (as may be seen with the aid of an ophthalmoscope) consisting of the retina, the retinal blood vessels and even sometimes the choroidal vessels when there is little pigment in the pigment epithelium (e.g. albinos), the foveal depression, and the optic disc. The fundus appears red, owing mainly to the choroidal blood supply. The colour is lighter in fair people than in darker races and is dependent upon the amount of pigment in the pigment epithelium and in the choroid. In dark races the fundus is almost dark grey (Fig. F11). Plural: fundi. See fundus biomicroscopy; fundus camera; Hollenhorst's plaques; tapetum lucidum.
fundus reflex See fundus reflex.
salt and pepper fundus The appearance of the ocular fundus characterized by a stippling of dark pigmented spots and yellowish-red spots of atrophy, as is found in congenital syphilis, choroideremia, Leber's congenital amaurosis, rubeola, poliomyelitis, etc.
tessellated fundus A normal ocular fundus in which the choroidal pattern appears as roughly polygonal dark areas in between choroidal vessels because the retinal pigment epithelium layer is thin and the choroid heavily pigmented. Syn. tessellated retina; tigroid fundus; tigroid retina.
tigroid fundus See tessellated fundus.