be worried sick

worried sick

Very concerned or anxious about a person or situation. The next time you're going to be this late getting home, please call me, because I was worried sick! Your father is worried sick about what this merger will mean for his job.See also: sick, worry

worried sick (about someone or something)

very worried or anxious about someone or something. Oh, thank heavens you are all right. We were worried sick about you!See also: sick, worry

worried sick

Also, worried to death. Extremely anxious, as in Her parents were worried sick when she didn't come home all night, or We've been worried to death about the drop in the stock market. These somewhat hyperbolic phrases (one could conceivably feel ill from worrying but would hardly die from it) date from the second half of the 1800s. See also: sick, worry

worried sick

so anxious as to make yourself ill.See also: sick, worry

be worried ˈsick


be sick with ˈworry

be extremely worried: Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick about you.See also: sick, worry