Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park

Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Tennessee
Location:Off US Highway 41 in Manchester, 1.5 miles off I-24.
Facilities:51 campsites with water and electricity hookups (é), primitive campsites, showers, picnic areas, hiking trails, boat launch, historic site, 9-hole golf course.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, golf, interpretive programs.
Special Features:The Old Stone Fort is a 2,000-year-old Native American ceremonial site. It consists of mounds and walls which combine with cliffs and rivers to form an enclosure measuring 1.25 miles around. The 50 enclosed acres appear to have served as a central ceremonial gathering place for some 500 years.
Address:732 Stone Fort Dr
Manchester, TN 37355

Web: www.state.tn.us/environment/parks/oldstonefort
Size: 760 acres.

See other parks in Tennessee.