Kosh Ataman

Kosh Ataman


the head of the administration of the host in the Zaporozh’e Sech’, which was called a Kosh (that is, camp, or community).

The Kosh ataman was elected at a rada (assembly) by the cossacks and enjoyed almost unlimited power, but every year he gave a report on his activities to the rada. He had direct authority over the host elders—the judge, captain, clerk, and kuren’ (unit) atamans. Besides the Zaporozh’e Sech’ (from the mid-16th century to 1775), the position of kosh ataman existed in the Zadunaiskaia Sech’ (from 1775 to 1828) and the Black Sea Cossack Host (1787-97); in the latter the Kosh atamans were appointed by the government.