Arnedo Alvarez, Geronimo
Arnedo Alvarez, Geronimo
Born Oct. 14, 1897, in San Nicolás. Active figure in the workers’ and communist movement of Argentina. Member of the Communist Party of Argentina (PCA) since 1925.
Arnedo Alvarez was born into the family of a worker. From 1913 through 1933 he was a farm laborer, a worker in the refrigeration industry, and a dock worker. Until 1930 he worked in the lower levels of Party and trade union organizations. During 1930–31, Arnedo Alvarez was imprisoned, but he was set free because of the pressure of public opinion. In later years he has been arrested several times. In 1933 he was made a member of the Central Committee of the PCA. From 1935 to 1937 he was head of the Communist Party organization for the Province of Buenos Aires. In 1938, Arnedo Alvarez became a member of the Executive Committee and General Secretary of the Central Committee of the PCA.