Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

Mel·kers·son-Ro·sen·thal syn·drome

(mel'kĕr-sŏn rō'zen-thahl), [MIM*155900] cheilitis granulomatosa, fissured tongue, and recurrent facial nerve paralysis.

Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

A condition (OMIM:155900) characterised by chronic swelling of the lips and face due to granulomatous inflammation, recurring facial nerve paralysis and fissured tongue. It may be associated with Crohn’s disease and sarcoidosis.


Ernst Gustaf, Swedish physician, 1898-1932. Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome - cheilitis granulomatosum, fissured tongue, and facial nerve paralysis. Synonym(s): Melkersson syndrome; Miescher cheilitisMelkersson syndrome - Synonym(s): Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome


Curt, neurologist and German psychiatrist, 1892-1937. Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome - see under MelkerssonRosenthal effect - type of self-fulfilling prophecy. Synonym(s): Pygmalion effectRosenthal syndrome - sleep paralysis that occurs at the moment one falls asleep or awakens.

Mel·kers·son-Ro·sen·thal syn·drome

(mel'kĕr-sŏn rō'zen-thahl sindrōm) [MIM*155900] Cheilitis granulomatosa, fissured tongue, and recurrent facial nerve paralysis.