Kostrzewski, Józef

Kostrzewski, Józef


Born Feb. 25, 1885, in Węglewo; died Nov. 19, 1969, in Poznań. Polish archaeologist. Academician of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1951).

Kostrzewski was a professor at the University of Poznań from 1919 to 1956 and director of the Archaeological Museum in Poznań from 1923 to 1958. He studied the Lausitz culture, conducting excavations at Biskupin, as well as later Slavic antiquities at excavations in Gniezno, Poznań, and Kłecko. A significant part of his research was devoted to the problem of the autochthonism of the Slavs in the Vistula and Oder basins.


Prastowianszczyzna: Zarys dziejów i kultury Prastowian. Poznan, 1946.
Kultura prapolska, 3d ed. Warsaw, 1962.
Dzieje polskich badan przedhistorycznych. Poznan, 1949.
Zagadnienie ciqgtoś’ci zaludnienia ziem polskich wpradziejach (odpofowy II tysiqclecia p. n.e. do wczesnego sedniowiecza). Poznań, 1961. Pradzieje Pomorza. Wroclaw, 1966.
Pradzieje Ślqska. Wrocław, 1970.
Z mego zycia: Pamiętnik. Wroclaw, 1970.