释义 |
margin [mahr´jin] an edge or border.gingival margin gum margin.gum margin the border of the gingiva surrounding, but unattached to, the substance of the teeth.margin of safety a calculation that takes the highest animal level" >no observed adverse effect level and estimates a maximum safe level of exposure for humans. It is now generally superseded by the dose" >reference dose.mar·gin (mar'jin), [TA] A boundary, edge, or border, as of a surface or structure. See also: border, edge. Synonym(s): margo [TA] [L. margo, border, edge] margo A Latin term usually translated as margin, rather than alternatives ( border, edge, brim).bor·der (bōr'dĕr) The part of a surface that forms its outer boundary. See also: margin Synonym(s): margo [TA] .
mar·gin (mahr'jin) [TA] A boundary, edge, or border, as of a surface or structure. See also: border Synonym(s): margo [TA] . FinancialSeeMarginMARGO
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MARGO➣Multiproxy Approach for the Reconstruction of the Glacial Ocean |