LFILocal File Inclusion
LFILink Fragmentation and Interleaving (Cisco)
LFILine Frame Interface
LFILink Fragmentation and Interleaving
LFILow Speed Link Features
LFILearning from Incidents (safety)
LFILethal Force Institute
LFILocal Financial Institution (various locations)
LFILeatherhead Food International (US and UK)
LFILearning for Independence (Maryland)
LFILife Force International (California)
LFILandesforstinventar (National Forest Inventory, Switzerland)
LFILong-Fiber Injection (materials science)
LFILow Flow Ischemia
LFILast File Indicator
LFILeague for the Fifth International
LFILimited Field Investigation
LFILive Female Infant (obstetrics)
LFILarge Format Inkjet
LFILinear Frequency Invariant
LFILow Fire Interlock
LFILawyers Fostering Independence (Seattle, WA)
LFILaserfab Incorporated
LFILow Frequency Intermodulation
LFILaunch Force Inhibitor
LFILoving Friends International