Kotelnikov, Semen Kirillovich
Kotel’nikov, Semen Kirillovich
Born 1723 in St. Petersburg; died there Apr. 1 (13), 1806. Russian mathematician. Academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1757). A student of L. Euler.
Kotel’nikov taught mathematics and mechanics at the Naval Cadets Corps for the Nobility and at an academic Gymnasium in St. Petersburg. From 1785 to 1796 he gave public lectures on higher mathematics. He is the author of the first Russian text-book on mechanics (1774) and one of the first Russian manuals on geodesy (1766), among other works.
Kniga, soderzhashchaia v sebe uchenie o ravnovesii i dvizhenii tel St. Petersburg, 1774.Molodoi geodet, Hi Pervye osnovaniia geodezii. St. Petersburg, 1766.