Acronym | Definition |
LGB➣Local Governing Body |
LGB➣Lets Go Blues |
LGB➣Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual |
LGB➣Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual |
LGB➣Laser Guided Bomb |
LGB➣Laser-Guided Bomb |
LGB➣Little Golden Books |
LGB➣Landesvermessung und Geobasisinformation (German) |
LGB➣Lower Geyser Basin |
LGB➣Lehmann Gross Bahn (G-scale model trains) |
LGB➣Long Beach Daugherty Field Airport (California) |
LGB➣Laboratory for Genomics and Bioinformatics (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center) |
LGB➣Larger Grain Borer |
LGB➣Lesser Grain Borer |
LGB➣Live Global Bid, Inc |
LGB➣Lateral Geniculate Body |
LGB➣Long Beach, CA, USA - Long Beach Municipal Airport (Airport Code) |
LGB➣Living Gene Bank |
LGB➣Local Government Brief |
LGB➣Logiciels de Gestion Bibliographique (French) |
LGB➣Loganberry Books |
LGB➣Los Gatos Brewing Co. |
LGB➣Lewes, Glynde and Beddingham (brass band) |
LGB➣Little Garden & Backyard Railroad |
LGB➣Lanjut Golden Beach (Malaysia) |
LGB➣Little Gray Birds (birdwatching) |