Kovalevskii, Nikolai Osipovich
Kovalevskii, Nikolai Osipovich
Born May 8 (20), 1840, in Kazan; died there Sept. 5 (17), 1891. Russian physiologist; founder of the Kazan school of physiologists.
After his graduation from the Medical department of the University of Kazan in 1862, Kovalevskii worked in Vienna. In 1865 he defended his doctoral dissertation in Kazan. He held the chair of physiology at the University of Kazan until the end of his life. In 1878 he became dean of the medical department, and from 1880 to 1892 he served as rector of the university. Continuing the experiments started by his teacher F. V. Ovsiannikov, he investigated the reflex relationships between the respiratory organs and blood circulation. He demonstrated the features of the innervation of the pupillary musculature.
“Materialy k izucheniiu legochnogo dykhaniia.” Izv.i uchenye zap. Kazanskogo un-ta, 1865, issue 2.Materialy k izucheniiu vliianiia dykhaniia na krovoobrashchenie. Kazan, 1877. (Tr. ob-va estestvoispytatelei pri Kazanskom un-te, vol. 6, issue 3.)