

M5432150 (mə-nŏp′tər-əs)n. pl. mo·nop·te·roi (-tə-roi′) A classical structure consisting of a circle of pillars supporting a domed roof, often serving as a temple.
[Latin monopteros, consisting of a monopteros, having a single row of columns and no cella : Greek mono-, mono- + Greek pteron, wing, winglike thing (perhaps on the model of Greek peripteros, flying or going all around, having a single row of columns all around); see pet- in Indo-European roots.]


(mɒnˈɒptəˌrɒs) or


n, pl -teroi (-təˌrɔɪ) or -tera (-tərə) (Architecture) a circular classical building, esp a temple, that has a single ring of columns surrounding it[C18: Late Latin from Greek, from mono- + pteron a wing] monˈopteral adj