Kozhevenno-Obuvnaia Promyshlennost
Kozhevenno-Obuvnaia Promyshlennost’
(Leather and Footwear Industry), a monthly scientific-technical and manufacturing journal; organ of the Ministry of Light Industry of the USSR and the Central Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of Light Industry. It has been published in Moscow since 1922. From 1941 to 1958 questions of leather and footwear manufacturing were examined in the journal Legkaiapromyshlennost’ (Light Industry). In 1959, Kozhevenno-obuvnaia promyshlennost’ resumed publication. It deals with the contemporary state and development potential of leather, foot-wear, tannin extraction, fur, sheepskin, artificial leather and laminated materials, and haberdashery. Circulation, 7,000 (1973).