Kozhevnikov, Vadim

Kozhevnikov, Vadim Mikhailovich


Born Apr. 9 (22), 1909, in Narym, present-day Tomsk Oblast. Soviet Russian writer. Member of the CPSU since 1943.

The son of a political exile, Kozhevnikov graduated from the department of literature and ethnology of Moscow State University in 1933. His first short story, “The Port,” was published in 1930. It was followed by the collection of short stories Conversation at Night (1939), the novella The Great Call (1940), and the children’s novella The Terrible Weapon (1941). During the Great Patriotic War (1941–45), Kozhevnikov was a war correspondent for Pravda. He published several collections, including Stories About War (1942), March-April (1942), Beloved Friends (1943), and On the Paths of War (1955).

In the novel Toward Dawn (vols. 1–2, 1956–57), Kozhevnikov depicted the revolutionary movement in Siberia and portrayed fighters in the Leninist guard. He is also the author of the novellas The Steppe Campaign (1936–37), Get Acquainted, Baluev (1960; film of the same title, 1963), The Passing Day (1962), and Petr Riabinkin (1968). Kozhevnikov’s novel The Shield and the Sword (1965) was the basis for a film of the same title (1968), which the author produced in cooperation with V. Basov. I. Prut collaborated with Kozhevnikov on the play The Fate of Reginald Davis (1947).

In 1973, Kozhevnikov published the novel At Noon on the Sunny Side. His powerful, realistic prose has some romantic characteristics, which reveal his desire to affirm the heroic principle of life. In his writings the life of the working class holds an important place. Kozhevnikov was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for the novellas A Special Detachment and Petr Riabinkin. His books have been translated into the languages of the peoples of the USSR as well as into foreign languages.

Kozhevnikov was a deputy to the seventh and eighth convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Since 1949 he has been the secretary of the Board of the Writers’ Union of the USSR. From 1959 to 1965 and from 1970 he served as the secretary of the Board of the Writers’ Union of the RSFSR. He has been editor in chief of the magazine Znamia since 1949. Kozhevnikov has been awarded the Order of Lenin, four other orders, and various medals.


Sobr. soch., vols. 1–6. (Introductory article by E. Knipovich.) Moscow, 1968–71.
Ognennye gody. (Introductory article by I. Kozlov.) Moscow, 1962.
Osoboe podrazdelenie. Moscow, 1969.
Povesti i rasskazy. Moscow, 1970.
Gody ognevye. (Articles, essays, reflections, and sketches.) Moscow, 1972.


Dorosh, E. “Liudi, kotorymi gorditsia Rossiia.” Novyi mir, 1958, no. 1.
Vinogradov, I. “O sovremennom geroe.” Novyi mir, 1961, no. 9.
Kolpakov, A., “Glavnaia liniia tvorchestva.” Oktiabr’, 1969, no. 4.
Gots, G. “Glubokie korni.” Molodaia Gvardiia, 1972, no. 8.
Russkie sovetskiepisateli-prozaiki, vol. 2. (Biobibliographical handbook.) Leningrad, 1964.