Kozlaniuk, Petr Stepanovich

Kozlaniuk, Petr Stepanovich


Born July 30 (Aug. 12), 1904, in the village of Pereriv, in present-day Kolomyia Raion, Ivano-Frankovsk Oblast; died Mar. 19, 1965, in L’vov. Soviet Ukrainian writer. Member of the CPSU from 1943.

Kozlaniuk’s work was first published in 1926. In his short stories, lampoons, and feuilletons, he painted pictures of the difficult life of the poor in Galician villages.

He took part in the revolutionary movement for the reunification of the western Ukrainian lands with the Soviet Ukraine. Kozlaniuk was one of the organizers of the group of proletarian writers known as Horno. He suffered repression at the time of the sanacja regime in Poland. His novel Iurko Kruk (books 1–3, 1946–57; Russian translation, 1948–58) tells about the life and struggle of the Galician peasants under both the Austro-Hungarian yoke and the yoke of the Polish gentry.

Kozlaniuk’s works have been translated into a number of foreign languages and the languages of the peoples of the USSR. He was a deputy to the third, fourth, and fifth convocations of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Kozlaniuk was awarded two Orders of Lenin, three other orders, and various medals.


Povisti i opovidannia. Kiev, 1949.
Tvory, vols. 1–3. Kiev, 1960.
Do svitla: Povist’ ta opovidannia. Kiev, 1964.
In Russian translation:
Izbrannoe. Moscow, 1954.
Krysy v bochke: Satire i iumor. [With a foreword by L. Novichenko.] Moscow, 1959.
Vesna. Moscow, 1965.


Buriak, B. Sluzhenie narodu. Moscow, 1955.
Baida, Iu. Petro Kozlaniuk: Zhyttia i tvorchist’. Kiev, 1959.
Istoriia ukrainskoi sovetskoi literatury. Kiev, 1965. Pages 802–17.