Mina Lake Recreation Area

Mina Lake Recreation Area

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / South Dakota
Location:11 miles west of Aberdeen off US 12.
Facilities:37 modern campsites (36 with electrical hookups, 1 @di), cabin (é), lodge, picnic areas, picnic shelter, hiking trail (é), swimming beach, boat ramp, fishing dock (é), game courts, playground.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, swimming, hiking.
Special Features:Mina was one of the first man-made lakes in northeast South Dakota. In 1934 the Mina Dam was completed and the lake was named Shake Maza, a Lakota word for "shaped like a horseshoe." The name didn't catch on, and it was later renamed in honor of a railroad president's daughter.
Address:c/o Richmond Lake Recreation Area
37908 Youth Camp Rd
Aberdeen, SD 57401

Web: www.sdgfp.info/Parks/Regions/glaciallakes/minalake.htm
Size: 300 acres.

See other parks in South Dakota.