

(mon-ō-vi'shun), Differential correction of one eye for near vision, and at times the other for distance vision, using various keratoplastic techniques.


(mŏn′ō-vĭzh″un) [Gr. monos, single, + L. visio, fr. vidēre, to see] A treatment for presbyopia in which the dominant eye is corrected to improve distance vision and the other eye is corrected for near and intermediate tasks. Standard lenses, contact lenses, or refractive surgery may be used for the corrections.


Term referring to a method of correcting presbyopia by using a contact lens corrected for distance in one eye (usually the dominant one) and a contact lens corrected for near in the other eye. Binocular vision is impaired with this method, especially stereoscopic vision; however, it has been found to be relatively successful in many cases. It is assumed that at any time one eye is focused while the other is not and the cortical visual system suppresses this latter image (at least the central part of the image). Monovision may also occur without correction in a presbyopic patient who has emmetropia in one eye and myopia in the other eye.
modified monovision is a method of achieving monovision using bifocal contact lenses in which the powers, lens fit or other lens parameters are modified to emphasize distance vision for one eye and near vision for the other eye, while still retaining a reasonable level of binocular vision.