Natural Tunnel State Park

Natural Tunnel State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Virginia
Location:13 miles north of Gate City on Route 871.
Facilities:23 campsites (18 with water and electric hookups, @di), group campsite, showers, toilets, picnic area, picnic shelters, snack bar, hiking trails, biking trails, bicycle rentals, self-guiding trails, boardwalk, swimming pool (é), bathhouse, visitor center, gift shop, environmental education center, amphitheater.
Activities:Camping, fishing, swimming, hiking, biking, interpretive programs, guided canoe trips, cave tours, naturalist programs.
Special Features:Over 850 feet long and 100 feet high, Natural Tunnel was carved through a limestone ridge over thousands of centuries. Park features a chairlift to view the naturally formed tunnel (operating seasonally). Walls of the tunnel show evidence of prehistoric life, and many fossils can be found in the creek bed and on tunnel walls.
Address:Rt 3, Box 250
Duffield, VA 24244

Size: 850 acres.

See other parks in Virginia.