

(al'vē-ō-al'jē-ă), A postoperative complication of tooth extraction in which the blood clot in the socket disintegrates, resulting in focal osteomyelitis and severe pain. Synonym(s): alveolalgia, alveolar osteitis, dry socket [alveolus + G. algos, pain]


(al-vē'ō-al'jē-ă) A postoperative complication of tooth extraction in which the blood clot in the socket disintegrates, resulting in focal osteomyelitis and severe pain.
Synonym(s): alveolalgia, dry socket.
[alveolus + G. algos, pain]


, alveolalgia (al″vē-ŏ-ăl′j(ē-)ă) (-lăl′j(ē-)ă) [ alveoli- + -algia] Pain in the socket of a tooth.


(al-vē'ō-al'jē-ă) A postoperative complication of tooth extraction in which the blood clot in the socket disintegrates, resulting in focal osteomyelitis and severe pain.
Synonym(s): alveolalgia, alveolar osteitis, dry socket.
[alveolus + G. algos, pain]