释义 |
LPGabbr. liquefied petroleum gasLPG abbreviation for (Elements & Compounds) liquefied petroleum gas LPG liquefied petroleum gas. TranslationsLPG
LPG: see liquefied petroleum gasliquefied petroleum gas or LPG, mixture of gases, chiefly propane and butane, produced commercially from petroleum and stored under pressure to keep it in a liquid state. ..... Click the link for more information. .LPG (materials) liquefied petroleum gas liquified petroleum gas (LPG)A petroleum derivative, primarily butane and propane, stored under pressure to maintain its liquid state; used as a fuel for heating and cooking.
LPG lozenge fret lozenge, 2 1. Abbr. for liquid petroleum gas. 2. Abbr. for liquified petroleum gas.LPG (1)Linguaggio Procedure Grafiche (Italian for "GraphicalProcedures Language"). dott. Gabriele Selmi. Roughly a crossbetween Fortran and APL, with graphical-oriented extensionsand several peculiarities. Underlies the products of CAD.LABSpa. "Graphical Procedure Language User's Guide and ReferenceManual", CAD.LAB, Bologna, Italy, 1989, order code GO89/9.LPG (2)Langage de Programmation Generique. An applicativelanguage, both specification and functional. Special emphasison parametrised declarations. "Design and Implementation of aGeneric, Logic and Functional Programming Language", D. Bertet al, ESOP 86, LNCS 213, Springer 1986.MedicalSeeAPOELPG
Acronym | Definition |
LPG➣Liquefied Petroleum Gas | LPG➣Liquid Propane Gas | LPG➣Low Price Guarantee | LPG➣Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft (East German Farmers Collective) | LPG➣Liquid Petroleum Gas | LPG➣Low Pressure Gas | LPG➣Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization | LPG➣Long Period Grating (sensor) | LPG➣Liquid Propellant Gun | LPG➣Licensed Professional Geologist (Indiana) | LPG➣Lypophosphoglycan (chemistry) | LPG➣Land and Property Gazetteer | LPG➣Local Peer Group | LPG➣Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass | LPG➣Lesson Planning Guide | LPG➣Lekker Potje Grolsch (Dutch: good pint of beer) | LPG➣Lowest Possible Gear | LPG➣London Processing Group | LPG➣Lincoln Park Gardens | LPG➣Light Particle Gun (gaming, Missionforce: Cyberstorm) | ThesaurusSeeliquefied petroleum gas |