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DictionarySeenucleusoculomotor nucleus
oculomotor nucleus[¦äk·yə·lō′mōd·ər ′nü·klē·əs] (neuroscience) A nucleus in the floor of the midbrain that gives rise to motor fibers of the oculomotor nerve. oculomotor nucleus
oc·u·lo·mo·tor nu·cle·usthe composite group of motor neurons innervating all the external eye muscles except the musculus rectus lateralis and musculus obliquus superior, and including the musculus levator palpebrae superioris; the most rostral component of the nucleus is the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, which innervates the musculi sphincter pupillae and ciliaris through the ciliary ganglion. The oculomotor nucleus lies in the rostral half of the midbrain, near the midline in the most ventral part of the central gray substance; fibers of the medial longitudinal fasciculus form its lateral borders. Synonym(s): nucleus nervi oculomotorii [TA], nucleus of oculomotor nerve [TA]oc·u·lo·mo·tor nu·cle·us (ok'yū-lō-mō'tŏr nū'klē-ŭs) The composite group of motor neurons innervating all of the external eye muscles except the musculus rectus lateralis and musculus obliquus superior, and including the musculus levator palpebrae superioris; the most rostral component of the nucleus is the Edinger-Westphal nucleus, which innervates the musculi sphincter pupillae and ciliaris through the ciliary ganglion. The oculomotor nucleus lies in the rostral half of the midbrain, near the midline in the most ventral part of the central gray substance; fibers of the medial longitudinal fasciculus form its lateral borders. |