Krasnoe Selo

Krasnoe Selo


a city in Leningrad Oblast, RSFSR. Rail-road station 25 km southwest of Leningrad; population, 27,000 (1970). It has a paper combine, which was founded in 1764, and a plant for the manufacture of plastic articles. Krasnoe Selo, which has been known since 1730, originally consisted of three settlements—Kolomenskaia, Bratoshinskaia, and Pavlovskaia. Beginning in 1765, troops stationed in and around St. Petersburg maintained their summer camps in Krasnoe Selo. In 1925 it became a city. Nineteenth-century park complexes have been preserved. Architectural monuments include the Troitskaia Church, which was built in 1735 by the architect I. la. Blank and rebuilt in 1854. Krasnoe Selo was incorporated into the city of Leningrad on Apr. 13, 1973.


Tikhonov, L. P. Krasnoe Selo. Leningrad, 1968.