Acronym | Definition |
LIA➣Leadership in Action |
LIA➣Laser Institute of America |
LIA➣Life in Abundance (various locations) |
LIA➣Little Ice Age |
LIA➣Legislative Instruments Act (Australia) |
LIA➣Life Investigation Agency (Japan) |
LIA➣Legacy Interface Adapter |
LIA➣Life in Africa (Uganda) |
LIA➣Lake Improvement Association |
LIA➣Life Insurance Association (various nations) |
LIA➣Long Island Association, Inc. (Melville, NY) |
LIA➣Libyan Investment Authority (sovereign wealth fund) |
LIA➣London International Awards (annual) |
LIA➣Labrador Inuit Association |
LIA➣Lock in Amplifier |
LIA➣Logistics Innovation Agency (replaces the Logistics Integration Agency) |
LIA➣Logistics Integration Agency |
LIA➣Life Imitating Art |
LIA➣Leather Industries of America |
LIA➣Lehren im Ausland (German: Teach Abroad) |
LIA➣Live Impact Area |
LIA➣Liability Insurance Administrators |
LIA➣Licensed Insurance Advisor |
LIA➣Licensed Insurance Agent |
LIA➣Literacy in Action (Quebec, Canada) |
LIA➣Local Implementation Agreement |
LIA➣Line Immuno Assay |
LIA➣Lost in Action |
LIA➣Lead Industries Association, Inc. |
LIA➣Linear Integer Arithmetic (programming calculus) |
LIA➣Local Issuing Authority |
LIA➣Liangping Airport (China) |
LIA➣Leicester Islamic Academy (UK) |
LIA➣Leadership Idaho Agriculture |
LIA➣Least Interference Algorithm |
LIA➣Local Infiltration Analgesia (treatment method) |
LIA➣Linguistic Iconism Association |
LIA➣London Investment Agents (London, UK) |
LIA➣Library and Information Access (various locations) |
LIA➣London International Academy (Canada) |
LIA➣Landscape Impact Assessment |
LIA➣Learning Into Action (Skagit Valley College, WA) |
LIA➣Logistics Impact Analysis |
LIA➣Leave with Income Averaging (Canada) |
LIA➣Lost in Appleton (website) |
LIA➣Link Interface Assembly (TCDL) |
LIA➣Levels of Importance Assigned |
LIA➣Limiting Input Amplifier |
LIA➣Linear Inequality Analysis |
LIA➣Leeward Islands Air Transport, Antigua and Barbuda (ICAO code) |
LIA➣Long Island Academy (Beaumont, Newfoundland, Canada) |
LIA➣Land Inventory Analysis |
LIA➣Low in Aromatics (chemistry) |
LIA➣Luton International Airport (UK) |
LIA➣Line Item Accounting |
LIA➣LWS (Long Wavelength Spectrometer) Interactive Analysis (Infrared Space Observatory software) |