


a city and administrative center of Ordubad Raion, Nakhichevan’ ASSR. Ordubad is situated in the foothills of the Zangezur Range, 4 km from the Ordubad railroad station (on the Baku-Yerevan line). Population, 6,900 (1973). The city has a silk-spinning mill, a fruit-growing combine, a silkworm-breeding farm, and enterprises producing building materials.

Ordubad is the site of the house-museums of the writer M. S. Ordubady and the Azerbaijani petrochemist and academician Iu. Mamedaliev, both of whom were born in the city. Ordubad also has a people’s amateur theater. Noteworthy architectural landmarks include the Dzhuma Mosque (rebuilt in the 17th century), a two-story madrasa (early 18th century), the Dil’ber Mosque (18th century), and vestibuled dwellings (18th and 19th centuries). The dwellings represent a distinctive type of Azerbaijani folk housing.


Vartanesov, I. L. “Zhilye doma goroda Ordubada XVIII-XIX vv.” Pamiatniki arkhitektury Azerbaidzhana. Sbornik materialov [vol.] 2. Baku, 1950.
Faradzhev, A. S. Ordubad. Baku, 1970.