membrana tympani

tym·pan·ic mem·brane

[TA] a thin tense membrane forming the greater part of the lateral wall of the tympanic cavity and separating it from the external acoustic meatus; it constitutes the boundary between the external and middle ears; it is a trilaminar membrane covered with skin on its external surface, mucosa in its internal surface, is covered on both surfaces with epithelium, and, in the tense part, has an intermediate layer of outer radial and inner circular collagen fibers. Synonym(s): membrana tympani [TA], drum membrane, drum, drumhead, eardrum, membrane of tympanum, myringa, myrinx

tym·pan·ic mem·brane

(tim-pan'ik mem'brān) [TA] A thin, tense covering that forms the greater part of the lateral wall of the tympanic cavity and separates it from the external acoustic meatus; it constitutes the boundary between the external and middle ear, is covered on both surfaces with epithelium, and in the tense part has an intermediate layer of outer radial and inner circular collagen fibers.
Synonym(s): membrana tympani [TA] , drum membrane, drum, drumhead, eardrum, myringa, myrinx.
[L. membrana tympani]