Krasnoiarskii Rabochii

Krasnoiarskii Rabochii


(Krasnoiarsk Worker), one of the oldest Bolshevik newspapers, the organ of the Krasnoiarsk Krai Committee of the CPSU and of the krai soviet of working people’s deputies. Founded in 1905.

The first issue of Krasnoiarskii rabochii was put out by the Krasnoiarsk committee of the RSDLP on Dec. 10, 1905. The newspaper propagandized the program of the RSDLP and the decisions of the Third Congress of the party, reprinted materials from central Bolshevik organs, dealt with the work of the soviet, informed its readers on revolutionary events in Russia and on the trade union movement, and called for an armed uprising against autocracy. Published until Dec. 24, 1905, the newspaper put out five issues with a circulation of 6,000 copies.

On March 8 (21), 1917, Krasnoiarskii rabochii was reestablished as the organ of the Krasnoiarsk committee of the RSDLP as a daily newspaper with a circulation of 5,000 copies. On July 22 (August 4) it became the organ of the Krasnoiarsk committee of the RSDLP and the Krasnoiarsk regional bureau of the RSDLP, and, on August 23 (September 5), of the Central Siberian Oblast Bureau and the Krasnoiarsk committee of the RSDLP. Between March and October 1917, Krasnoiarskii rabochii printed 35 articles, speeches, and documents of V. I. Lenin. It did not appear in the Kolchak period, with publication resuming on Jan. 7, 1920. It was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor in 1956. Circulation, 210,000 copies (1973).


“Krasnoiarskii rabochii”: 60 let, 1905–1965. Krasnoiarsk, 1965.