membranous ampullae of the semicircular ducts

membranous am·pul·lae of the sem·i·cir·cu·lar ducts

[TA] a nearly spheric enlargement of one end of each of the three semicircular ducts, anterior, posterior, and lateral, where they connect with the utricle. Each contains a neuroepithelial ampullary crest (crista ampullaris). Synonym(s): ampulla membranacea [TA], membranous ampulla

mem·bra·nous am·pul·lae of the sem·i·cir·cu·lar ducts

(membră-nŭs am-pulē semē-sĭrkyū-lăr dŭkts) [TA] A nearly spheric enlargement of one end of each of the three semicircular ducts, anterior, posterior, and lateral, where they connect with the utricle. Each contains a neuroepithelial crista ampullaris.
Synonym(s): ampulla membranacea.

mem·bra·nous am·pul·lae of the sem·i·cir·cu·lar ducts

(membră-nŭs am-pulē semē-sĭrkyū-lăr dŭkts) [TA] A nearly spheric enlargement of one end of each of the three semicircular ducts, anterior, posterior, and lateral, where they connect with the utricle.
Synonym(s): ampulla membranacea.