Montalembert, Charles Forbes, comte de

Montalembert, Charles Forbes, comte de

(shärl fôrbz kôNt də môNtäläNbĕr`), 1810–70, French political leader and writer, b. London. He went to Paris (1830), where he became associated with Jean LacordaireLacordaire, Jean Baptiste Henri
, 1802–61, French Roman Catholic preacher and liberal. Ordained in 1827, he came under the influence of Lamennais and collaborated with him on Avenir,
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 and Félicité de LamennaisLamennais or La Mennais, Félicité Robert de
, 1782–1854, French Roman Catholic apologist and liberal, b. Saint-Malo. He was largely self-educated by wide, indiscriminate reading.
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 in the Catholic liberal movement and served as editor of the Avenir until 1831; the journal was condemned in 1832 by the pope. He hoped to weld French Catholicism into a united political force, and in the legislature he associated Roman Catholicism with liberalism and worked for civil liberty and for education under churchly auspices. An enthusiastic republican, he was the chief figure in the early liberal opposition to Emperor Napoleon III. For a time he opposed the dogma of papal infallibility.