Krestianskaia Gazeta
Krest’ianskaia Gazeta
(Peasants’ Newspaper), a newspaper of the Central Committee of the ACP (Bolshevik), published in Moscow from Nov. 25, 1923, to Feb. 28, 1939. The newspaper was created by decision of the Twelfth Congress of the party (April 1923), which saw a need for a nationwide Russian weekly newspaper at a moderate price, printed in rather large type, and written in a language accessible to the peasant.
In greeting Krest’ianskaia gazeta on Nov. 25, 1923, M. I. Kalinin wrote: “The paper must illuminate peasant life, give the peasant practical help in understanding economic, landholding, legal, and other questions … , and make the peasantry see the whole meaning of ongoing world events and their close connection with the life of our republic” (O partiinoi i sovetskoi pechati: Sbornik dokumentov, 1954, p. 283). The paper enjoyed great popularity with its readers; it had a circulation of 125,000 in its very first months, which increased to 3 million by 1939.
The magazine Spravochnik krest’ianina (The Reference Book for the Peasant) was published as a supplement to Krest’ianskaia gazeta from 1924 to 1928. Other publications put out by Krest’-ianskaia gazeta included the newspapers Krest’ianskaia gazeta dlia molodezhi (Young People’s Peasant Newspaper; 1931–34), Za revoliutsionnuiu zakonnost’ (For Revolutionary Legality; 1935–37), Oborona ifizkul’tura (Civil Defense and Physical Culture; 1935–37), Vsesoiuznaia sel’skokhoziaistvennaia vystavka (All-Union Agricultural Exhibition; 1935–39), and Krest’ianskaia gazeta dlia nachinaiushchikh chitat’ (Peasant Newspaper for Beginning Readers; 1930–39).