Minefield Obstacles

Minefield Obstacles


obstacles created on terrain by laying minefields, groups of mines, individual mines, or explosive charges.

Minefield obstacles are used in different types of combat in combination with other types of obstacles or independently to destroy the enemy or stop his advance, make manuever difficult, or assist in the destruction of enemy manpower and materiel. Minefield obstacles may be independent, when the mines and charges explode on contact with an object, or controlled, when the mines and charges explode upon a signal transmitted by radio or wire from the control point. There are antitank, anti-infantry, antitank and anti-infantry, and dummy minefields. Mines and minefields are usually laid in several rows or groups. In some capitalist states, according to foreign press reports, studies are under way concerning the possibility of destroying enemy manpower and combat material with nuclear mines (nuclear land mines).