Krivopolenova, Mariia

Krivopolenova, Mariia Dmitrievna


Born Mar. 19 (31), 1843, in the village of Ust’-Ezhuga on the Pinega; died Feb. 2, 1924, in the village of Veegora on the Pinega. Russian folktale narrator.

Recordings of Krivopolenova were first made by A. D. Grigor’ev in 1900. In addition to by liny (epic folk songs) and historical songs of high artistic quality, Krivopolenova recited skomoroshiny (the songs and tales of the skomorokhi, the wandering minstrels of old Russia) and fairy tales and knew many other songs. The unique bylina “Vavilo and the Skomorokhi” was recorded from her words. In 1921, Krivopolenova was given a pension as an outstanding figure in Russian culture. She is depicted in the sculpture Old Wise-woman, by S. T. Konenkov.


Grigor’ev, A. D. Arkhangel’skie by liny i istoricheskie pesni, vol. 1. Moscow, 1904. Pages 333–91.
Ozarovskaia, O. E. Babushkiny Stariny, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1922.
Byliny, skomoroshiny, skazki Edited and with an introduction and notes by A. A. Morozov. Arkhangelsk, 1950. (Contains bibliography.)