multiple endocrine neoplasia III

multiple endocrine neoplasia III (MEN3),

[MIM*162300] syndrome characterized by tumors found in MEN2, tall, thin habitus, prominent lips, and neuromas of the tongue and eyelids; autosomal dominant inheritance, caused by mutation in the RET oncogene on 10q. Synonym(s): multiple endocrine neoplasia IIB

mul·ti·ple en·do·crine ne·o·pla·si·a III

(mŭlti-pĕl endō-krin nēō-plāzē-ă) [MIM*162300] Syndrome characterized by tumors found in MEN2, tall, thin habitus, prominent lips, and neuromas of the tongue and eyelids; also called MEN3.
Synonym(s): multiple endocrine neoplasia IIB.