Liberty State Park

Liberty State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / New Jersey
Location:Exit 14B off the New Jersey Turnpike; follow signs to park.
Facilities:Picnic areas, playgrounds, nature and fitness trails, food concession,marina, boat launch, visitor center, interpretive center, sciencecenter, ferry service to Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.
Activities:Boating, canoeing, fishing, crabbing, bicycling, inline skating,hiking, jogging, cross-country skiing, sightseeing, environmental andhistorical education programs.
Special Features:Park is located in a metropolitan area, with the Manhattan skyline as abackdrop. During the 19th and early 20th centuries, the park's site wasa major industrial port with an extensive freight and passengertransportation network. Located in the north end of the park is theCentral Railroad of New Jersey Terminal (CRRNJ). From 1892 to 1954,throngs of immigrants from northern, southern, and eastern Europepassed through Ellis Island and onto the CRRNJ to disperse into theUnited States. The park also includes Liberty Landing Marina (seeseparate entry).
Address:Morris Pesin Dr
Jersey City, NJ 07305

Size: 1,211 acres.

See other parks in New Jersey.