

单词 mineral resources

mineral resources

Noun1.mineral resources - natural resources in the form of mineralsmineral resources - natural resources in the form of mineralsnatural resource, natural resources - resources (actual and potential) supplied by nature

Mineral Resources

mineral resources

[′min·rəl ri′sȯrs·əz] (geology) Valuable mineral deposits of an area that are presently recoverable and may be so in the future; includes known ore bodies and potential ore.

Mineral Resources


the total supply of various commercial minerals suitable for both current and future use in various branches of the economy. The term is applied to various territorial units: region, country, groups of countries, entire economic systems, and the world in general. Mineral resources represent nonrenewable natural wealth, hence the ever-increasing importance of issues relating to their efficient use in the interests of development of the national economy. It is essential in this regard that deposits containing materials of value be completely worked and that losses incurred during the mining, processing, and transportation of raw materials be eliminated or minimized.

mineral resources

  • noun

Words related to mineral resources

noun natural resources in the form of minerals

Related Words

  • natural resource
  • natural resources




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