

单词 lsa



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 left sacroanterior (position of the fetus).


Abbreviation for left sacroanterior position.


Abbrev. for Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries London.

Patient discussion about LSA

Q. i have white spots on testicals A. if i had white spots on my testicals,,i would be in sombodys emergency room right now....i suggest you get a dr......mrfoot56

More discussions about LSA


LSALight Sport Aircraft
LSALink State Advertisements
LSALiterature, Science, and the Arts (university)
LSALatent Semantic Analysis
LSALandes Sachsen Anhalt (German state)
LSALinguistic Society of America
LSALocal Security Authority (Windows NT)
LSALearning Support Assistant
LSALegal Services Agency
LSALight Sport Aviation (various companies)
LSALanguage Study Abroad (various schools)
LSALink State Acknowledgment (computing)
LSALobe Separation Angle (automotive design)
LSALinux System Administrator (computer job)
LSALogisltics Support Area (US Air Force)
LSALink State Advertisement
LSALinux System Administrator
LSALocal Store Address
LSALocal Security Authority
LSALink State Announcement
LSALone Star Alliance (lacrosse conference)
LSALateral Surface Area (mathematics)
LSALogistics Support Activity
LSALong Service Award (various orgaizations)
LSALow Specific Activity
LSALaw and Society Association (Amherst, MA)
LSALogistics Support Analysis
LSALink-State Algorithm
LSALife Saving Appliance(s)
LSALogistics Support Area
LSALegal Sector Alliance (climate change)
LSALabor Surplus Area
LSALysergic Acid Amide (alkaloid with a chemical structure similar to LSD)
LSALocal Spiritual Assembly (Institution of the Baha'i Faith)
LSALife Support Area
LSALife Science Angels (investing)
LSALichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus
LSALymphosarcoma (cancer of the lymphatic system)
LSALegal Secretaries Association (various locations)
LSALead State Agency
LSALate Stone Age
LSALifetime Savings Account
LSAList of Sections Affected
LSALow Speed Access
LSALiquid Solar Array (Sunengy Pty. Ltd.; Australia)
LSALogistics Supportability Analysis
LSALaser Surface Authentication
LSALocal Service Area
LSALeukemia Society of America
LSAd-Lysergic Acid Amide
LSALogistics Staging Area
LSALimbic Stress Assessment
LSALead Sheet Association (UK)
LSALog-Structured Array (computing)
LSALubricant, Small Arms
LSALa Salle Academy (Iligan City, Philippines)
LSALaser Spike Annealing (semiconductor process supported by Ultratech)
LSALead Standardization Activity
LSALine Sharing Adapter
LSALayered Scalable Architecture
LSALaunch Services Agreement
LSALinux Standards Association
LSALogic State Analyzer
LSALilly Software Associates, Inc.
LSALotus Solution Architecture
LSALaSalle Academy (various locations)
LSALocal Security Administrator
LSALouisiana Statutes Annotated
LSALateral Speed and Agility
LSALife Science and Analytical Systems (Bruker Corporation)
LSALoss of Situational Awareness
LSALife Saving Action
LSALibrary Storage Annex (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
LSALutheran Student Association
LSALimited Space charge Accumulation
LSALarge-Scale Array
LSALinear Servo Actuator
LSALondon Small Arms Company
LSALarge Space Antenna
LSALeast Square Approximation
LSALoyal Supporters Association
LSALightship Sailors Association (US Coast Guard)
LSALandform-Sediment Assemblage
LSALogistics Support Agency
LSALego Space Alliance
LSALicensed Surgical Assistant
LSALicensed Staff Agreement (State Farm Insurance)
LSALanding Ship Assault
LSALatino Students Association
LSALeventhal School of Accounting (University of Southern California)
LSALouisiana Shooting Association (Metairie, LA)
LSALiberty Search Associates, Inc. (Clearwater, FL)
LSALouisville Swim Association
LSALebanese Society of Anesthesiologists
LSALothian Surgical Audit
LSALigno-Sulfonic Acid
LSALaura Shanks Associates (UK)
LSALarge Sample Approximation
LSALimited Security Area
LSAList of Code of Federal Regulations Sections Affected (manual detailing changes to the CFR)
LSALocal Search Approach
LSALevel Shift Amplifier
LSALearning Skills Assessment
LSALocal Services Agreement
LSALicense of the Society of Apothecaries
LSALogistics Module - Stand Alone
LSALow Solar Absorbency (paint with reflective properties in the near infrared spectrum)
LSALogistic System Acquisition
LSALine Source Antenna
LSALogistics Systems Analysis/Analyst
LSALightwave Signal Analyzer
LSALow Speed Auxiliary
LSALemming Society of America
LSALogistics Systems Architects
LSALogistics Service Agreement
LSALabor Service Agency
LSALow Source Alignment
LSALine Shaft Assembly
LSALubricant, Semifluid, Automatic weapons
LSALogistical Support Agency
LSALower Surficial Aquifer (Florida water source)
LSALeading Supply Assistant (UK naval rank or rating level)
LSALinear Separation Assembly (US NASA)
LSALicensed Space Arrangement
LSALiving Spring Academy (Iligan City, Phillipines)




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