Acronym | Definition |
LSBC➣Law Society of British Columbia |
LSBC➣Large Scale Biology Corporation |
LSBC➣London Schools and the Black Child (conference) |
LSBC➣Land-Sea Breeze Circulation |
LSBC➣Light Scattering Bubble Counter |
LSBC➣Local Safeguarding Children Board (UK) |
LSBC➣London School of Business and Communication (London, England, UK) |
LSBC➣Leerlingstelsel voor Bosbouw, Cultuurtechniek en Aanverwante Vakgebieden (Dutch: Student System for Forestry, cultural and related fields) |
LSBC➣Lone Star Bulldog Club |
LSBC➣Lone Star Borzoi Club |
LSBC➣Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology |
LSBC➣Lake Superior Brewing Company (Grand Marais, MI) |
LSBC➣Life Sciences British Columbia |
LSBC➣Lower Shore Broadband Cooperative (Snow Hill, MD) |
LSBC➣Life Stream Behavioral Center (Leesburg, FL) |
LSBC➣London South Bank Careers |
LSBC➣London School of Business and Computing (UK) |
LSBC➣Living Sanctuary Brethren Church (Singapore) |
LSBC➣Lasalle & Bureau County Railroad Company |
LSBC➣Laser Blood Cleaner |
LSBC➣Lao-Singapore Business College |
LSBC➣Lake Springfield Baptist Camp (Chatham, IL) |
LSBC➣Little Staughton Baptist Church (UK) |
LSBC➣Lone Star Bit Company |
LSBC➣Leadership Santa Barbara County (California) |
LSBC➣Leys School Boat Club |
LSBC➣Lifesaver for Babies and Children (St John Ambulance, UK) |
LSBC➣Ludwigsfelder Ski and Boarder Club (Germany) |
LSBC➣Leaders Serving Beaver County |
LSBC➣Lakeside Baptist Church (Mannford, OK) |
LSBC➣Little Steps Big Change (Jamaica) |
LSBC➣Long-Stroke Brake Chambers |
LSBC➣Lower Susquehanna Bulldog Club (Newport, PA) |
LSBC➣Living Springs Baptist Church (Rockbank, Victoria, Australia) |
LSBC➣Living Springs Bible Camp (Ferintosh, AB, Canada) |
LSBC➣Logan Street Baptist Church (Mount Vernon, IL) |
LSBC➣Lauderdale Small Boat Club (Fort Lauderdale, FL) |
LSBC➣Land Snails of British Columbia (Royal BC Museum Handbook) |
LSBC➣Lambeth Safeguarding Children Board (UK) |
LSBC➣London Structural Biology Club (UK) |
LSBC➣Lincoln St Baptist Church (Dalhart, TX) |
LSBC➣Life Sciences & Bioengineering Center |
LSBC➣Lesiones de la Sustancia Blanca Cerebral (Spanish) |
LSBC➣Leon Springs Baptist Church (San Antonio, TX) |
LSBC➣Lee's Summit Bible Church (Lee's Summit, MO) |
LSBC➣Long Span Bridge and Culvert, LLC (Frederick, MD) |
LSBC➣Lake Shore Beach Club |
LSBC➣Life Support British Columbia |
LSBC➣Lakihegy Speed Bikers Club |
LSBC➣Laurel Springs Baptist Church (Laurel Springs, NJ) |
LSBC➣Leadership San Benito County (Hollister, CA) |
LSBC➣Lakeside Smallmouth Bass Club (Nova Scotia, Canada) |