Marinesco succulent hand

Ma·ri·nes·co suc·cu·lent hand

(mah-rē-nes'kō), edema of the hand with coldness and lividity of the skin, observed in syringomyelia. Synonym(s): main succulente

Ma·ri·nes·co suc·cu·lent hand

(mah-rē-nes'kō sŭk'yŭ-lĕnt hand) Edema of the hand with coldness and lividity of the skin, observed in syringomyelia.


Georges, Romanian neurologist, 1863-1938. Marinesco-Radovici reflex - Synonym(s): Radovici signMarinesco-Sjögren-Garland syndrome - a rare neurologic disorder characterized by cerebellolental degeneration with mental retardation. Synonym(s): cataract-oligophrenia syndrome; Torsten Sjögren syndromeMarinesco-Sjögren syndrome - development and mental retardation. Synonym(s): Garland-Moorhouse syndrome; hereditary oligophrenic cerebellolental degeneration; oligophrenic cerebellolenticular degeneration; Sjögren syndrome; Torsten syndromeMarinesco succulent hand - edema of the hand with coldness and lividity of the skin, observed in syringomyelia. Synonym(s): main succulente