Nares, George Strong

Nares, George Strong


Born Apr. 24, 1831, in Aberdeen; died Jan. 15, 1915, in Surbiton, near London. English navigator, oceanographer, and explorer of the western arctic. Corresponding member of the Royal Society (1875); vice admiral (1892).

Nares took part in H. Kellett’s second arctic expedition in 1852–54. He commanded the corvette Challenger from 1872 to 1874. In 1875 he led an arctic expedition on two ships and entered Lincoln Sea for the first time on one of them, the Alert. Sled teams of the expedition discovered the northern shore of Ellesmere Island, the coastal Challenger Mountains, and the northwestern coast of Greenland, in particular Wulffs Land.


Narrative of a Voyage to the Polar Sea During 1875–76, vols. 1–2. London, 1878.