


(Outlook) a monthly illustrated journal on sociopolitical, literary, and musical matters, published in Moscow since 1964 by the State Committee on Television and Radio of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Documentary and artistic recordings made and circulated by Krugozor reproduce the speeches of governmental and public figures and of artists, the best works of classical, contemporary, and folk art, and the latest works of literature, music, theater, and the estrada (variety stage). Issues of Krugozor highlighting a particular subject or field are published periodically in Russian, English, German, Japanese, and other languages. The Sound-book of Lenin (the first sound-book in the USSR), issued in honor of the 100th anniversary of V. I. Lenin’s birth, was based on Krugozor publications, with the collaboration of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

The publication of Krugozor is handled by the Pravda Publishing House and the All-Union Recording Studio. Circulation, 450,000 (1973). Since 1968, Krugozor has put out a children’s supplement, Kolobok.