Krumin, Garald
Krumin, Garal’d Ivanovich
(G. Kruminš) Born July 21 (Aug. 2), 1894, near Riga; died May 17, 1943. Soviet econo-mist and publicist. Became a member of the Communist Party in 1909. The son of a village teacher.
Krumin graduated from the history and philology department of Petrograd University in 1916. Editor of the magazine Narodnoe khoziaistvo in 1918, of the newspaper Ekonomicheskaia zhizn’ from 1919 to 1928, and of the newspaper Pravda from 1928 to 1930, he held party and soviet posts in Sverdlovsk and Cheliabinsk from 1931 to 1935. From 1935 to 1937 Krumin was assistant chief editor of the first edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and managing editor of the magazine Problemy ekonomiki. A delegate to the Fourteenth through Seventeenth Congresses of the ACP (Bolshevik), Krumin was elected to the Central Auditing Commission at the Sixteenth Congress.
Organizatsiia i upravlenie proizvodstvom. [Moscow, 1920.]Novaia ekonomicheskaia politika v promyshlennosti. Moscow, 1922.
Puti khoziaistvennoi politiki. Moscow, 1924.
V bor’be za sotsializm. Moscow, 1926.
Osnovnye voprosy khoziaistva i oppozitsiia. Moscow, 1927.
Itogi i problemy sotsialisticheskogo stroitel’stva. Moscow-Leningrad, 1927.
O NEPe. Moscow-Leningrad, 1929.
Bor’ba za industrializatsiiu i zadachi partii. Moscow-Leningrad, 1929.